Saturday 13 February 2010

Scottish machine politician cries on telly!!

There have been heart rendering stories of a Scottish machine politician crying on a set-up interview with Piers Morgan. You can't play it both ways Gordon Brown. You either protect your family from the public gaze or you use them for your political ends. For instance, your performance allows me to say that your wife has so many charity engagements here and in the United States that no way is she looking after the family. Sorry, the Daily Mail has already said it!!

The new book by Lance Price, which I have yet to read, does not give you a very flattering picture. I get the sense that over half of the Labour Party would be estatic, if you were run over by a Clapham omnibus. That might be a bit harsh but Mr Brown, you screwed up my pension (dividend tax changes) and cost me a fortune in council tax paying for all those Labour areas. I would have forgiven you if Great Britain had pulled out its troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. The US anyway have been critical about our military performance (Basra and Balaclava, army disasters beginning with B?) Sorry, Singapore begins with an S). However, that would have screwed up your chances of top international jobs a la Blair when you retire. Or are you going to write your memoirs and explain how you employed a yob like McBride?

You are always grandstanding on the world stage but I get the impression that the IMF thinks you are an economic cretin. How you let Lady Ashton get a top EU job is beyond me. She is an easy pot shot for the French. Ashton should never have been let out of UK quango land.

However, Gordon, you are a very determined politician. I think the class card strategy might be working with the dim British electorate. The Tory Party does seem to have been taken over by Old Etonians and Cameron cuties. I get the sense the US would prefer working with you. Dave has never really hit it off with the Americans. I know the European Union would be aghast if the Tories got in. Peter Mandelson saved you last year from your Cabinet revolt but as you are not really a loyal kind of guy, he has been disappointed by your behaviour since.

I think you might struggle in the forthcoming general election campaign. It will be a test of what the voters think of a Scottish machine politician.

PS. Dear Reader, I am sorry this might not be a balanced, nuanced view of a complicated individual but you should read Jeff Randall's demolition of Gordon Brown
in yesterday's Daily Telegraph.

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