Saturday 6 February 2010

A rant against David Lammy, Labour MP for Tottenham.

I have nothing personal against David Lammy, Labour MP for Tottenham. However, I think he is a bit of a worm for announcing major cuts in UK budget expenditure for British
universities in his role of minister.

As an ex-alumnus of Harvard Law School and a big pal of Obama, he himself has benefitted from a world-class education. The least Lammy could do his resign his UK ministerial post. In the 1960s Labour Chancellor of Exchequer, Jim Callaghan, resigned after a devaluation and still made it to Prime Minister in the 1970s. A resignation might do the political career of Lammy some good. He is famous for his leaden performances in the
House of Commons.

It is estimated that 200,000 kids could miss out on an university place in 2010-11.
There is a high number of applicants due to various factors such as a birth-rate bulge, disguised unemployment, gap-year students and places going to Chinese and Indian students, whom the universities can charge virtually what they like in terms of fees. The grove of academe!!

Lammy says that university expenditure has risen by 25 pct since 1997, when Labour got into power. However, I think National Health Service expenditure has risen by 100 pct during the same period.

Part of Lammy's current job is chasing up on Islamist extremists in our universities.
I don't think the United States is overly impressed by the role of University College of London (UCL) in educating the Detroit bomber.

Note for our foreign readers: Tottenham is the famous home of the Tottenham Hotspur (Spurs) football club based at White Hart Line. Perhaps it is fair to say that the
fans, who go to the matches, do not share the same demographic profile as the current residents of the area. A lot of the fans have moved out to Essex and
Tottenham is now locally famous for deprivation, poverty and Turkish gangland violence.

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