Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Hazel Blears looks like she is walking the plank.

British Communities minister Hazel Blears, who is vertically challenged, recently took a pop at her boss UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown. This act of bravery looks like political suicide, when Blears was found to have been "flipping" her second residences and decided to cough up over £13,000 in capital gains tax. What is quite sad is that Blears' political career is over when she was one of the cabinet's few interesting characters.
Brown himself blames the "system" but not everyone played it to their advantage. The government is quite happy to let loose the police and HM Revenue & Customs on the population. I suppose it is too much to hope that the politicians will receive the
tender treatment from these forces of control. From what I remember the old Inland Revenue used to be very particular about expenses.

PS: It looks like I was completely wrong and that Ms Blears is still going to soldier on in the cabinet together with Purnell and Hoon.

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