Thursday, 2 August 2007

Blogs: I have been looking at the competition

I suppose this blog is a bit monochrome without the use of a blizzard of nifty graphics.
I have been reading the US one TPM Muckraker and apparently it brings in quite a
bit of moolah through advertising. Ranting about Gordon Brown, Manchester United
and accountants is probably not much of an advertising proposition, so this blog is
adopting a kind of public service remit for the moment.
In his mission statement Gordon Brown says:

"Every child should have the best start in life, that everybody should have the chance of a job, that nobody should be brought up suffering in poverty. I would call them the beliefs that you associate with civilisation and dignity."
Youth unemployment is higher now in Britain than it was in 1997 despite Mr Brown's New Deal
programme. As for a good start in life don't go to some schools round here.

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